Crowned Earthstar
(Geastrum coronatum)
NMV Ga 211030
Crowned Earthstar is first of all a dunal coast earthstar.
That means this earthstar is in urban area dependant on sand supplemetion
from the Northsea or the former Zuiderzee, but there is also a dependance of typical trees and shrubs for the right soil conditions
Inside the urban district habitats are restricted to road-sides, harbors, railway stations and so on.
There are places enough that meet this conditions. Still the number of observations is small.
And that might be caused by the growing season: in late autumn and mid winter few people are hunting for earthstars in the urban area.
Photo left: Crowned Earthstar Meijendel |
Photo right: Crowned Earthstar Meijendel |
Photo's: Crowned Earthstar, november 30, 2011 |
How to exclude mistakability:
- Describe the mouth-zone (growing-phase dependant)
- Is a stem visible (growing-phase dependant)
- Look at the bottom of the earthstar:
- Is it fixed in the ground (encrusted debris)?
- Is there a scar in the middel at the bottom of the star-rays?
- Is color changing at injuring
- If this is not helpful: dry the earthstar, and see what changes during the dry-process: stem, apophyse, collar, mouth-zone?
Habitat: Under Hawthorn at the bottom of a vegetation poor slope |
Photo: Crowned Earthstar, encrusted debris |
Photo: After breaking out debris, and cleaning with water |
Field-Marks: See: Anatomy Genus Geastrum
- Species size: average big
- Stem (under balloon): broad, short, 1-6 mm long, 3-6 mm thick
- Apophyse: rounded bag-shape
- Stem color: dark
- Balloon surface young: fine cristalline or floury
- Balloon surface old: baldy
- Balloon color young: light-grey to creme-brown
- Balloon color older: dark-grey to black
- Balloon mouth-zone: fibrillose, flat to conical,
- Balloon mouth-zone: small or no court, unclear or no ring-furrow
- Star-rays number: 7-12
- Star-rays-thickness: young till 5 mm, afterwards bursting and peeling skin
- Star-rays-color young: light beige to light-brown
- Star-rays-color older: light grey-white to grey-brown
- Star-rays: non-hygroscopic, old: ray-tips sometimes curling once up or down
- Star-rays young: encrusted debris
- Star-rays very old: bald and grey
- Star-rays very old: no scar, sometimes a baldy pitch
Tree layer: high woods with Ash, Elm, Maple and/or Coomon Oak, older Hawthorn woods
Spices layer: no spices or very tiny glechoma and urtica on almost naked soil.
Soil: thin fast humous forming layer on sand
Wood species:
Deciduous wood (Ash, Elm, Maple, Oak; Hawthorn, Black Elder, Common Spindle Tree)
Urban Area: Amsterdamse bos, Oeverlanden.
Pleistocene area: Stichtse brug (A27).
Northsea Dunal Area: From south to north (Bergen) in calcareous dunes.
Crowned Earthstar (old) |
Crowned Earthstar (dried herbarium ex.) |
Meijendel, January 7 2012 |
Mistakability young, in moisty circumstances with:
- (Robust) Curling Earthstar (Geastrum pseudolimbatum)
- Tiny Earthstar (Geastrum minimum)
Mistakability because of growing troubles like suddenly dry weather:
Chrispijn, R. ed. (1999), Champignons in de Jordaan (De paddenstoelen van Amsterdam), Schuyt en Co, 162-163.
Gerhardt (2006), De grote Paddenstoelen Gids (voor onderweg), Tirion Natuur, 616.
Hansen, L & K. Knudsen (1997), Nordic Macromycetes, Kopenhagen, Vol 3, 345.
Jalink (1995), De aardsterren van Nederland en België, Coolia 38 supplement, 59-60.
Pegler, e.o. (1995), British puffballs, earthstars and stinkhorns, an account of the british gasteroid fungi, Royal Botanic Gardens, kew, 1995, 255 pp.
Vermeulen (1999), Paddestoelen, Schimmels en Slijmzwammen van Vlaanderen, Wielewaal, Turnhout, 541.